An evidence base forms part of the Neighbourhood Plan, this is made up of reports that we have created and existing documents. 

National Planning Policy and Guidance

All Neighbourhood Plans are required to have regard to national planning policies and guidance – the key documents and links are given here:

Local Planning Policy and Guidance

All Neighbourhood Plans have to be in general conformity with the strategic planning policies for their area. Other evidence relating to the Local Plan preparation can also be relevant.

Neighbourhood Plan Evidence 

The evidence we produce helps to inform the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan.

All these documents are available for comment during Regulation 14 (formal consultation) This will take place once the draft plan is in place and lasts for 6 weeks.

These documents have been created through input from the Working Groups with the support of our own consultants or the Locality government support program.  Support for Neighbourhood Planning was set up by the government as many NP groups do not have the sufficient knowledge in policy planning to be able to create technical documents.  Grant funding is also available through the program and we have utilised this for consultants to support us in areas where locality do not offer technical support.  

Most documents are available for comment up to the end of the formal consultation period,.  However, the documents created by AECOM, the locality consultants, cannot have any changes made until after the formal consultation. 

If you have any comments you wish to be considered on these documents please email

  • Lymington and Pennington Design Guidelines and Codes (draft)

  • Lymington Town Centre Vision (draft)